
Pennant – COVID-19 Region Impact

It is timely to provide an update on the impact on Pennant as a result of Covid in our region. Clubs are aware that a Covid report by Thursday has been requested by the Pennant Committee. Thanks to those clubs who have complied with the request.

The reports being received from clubs has allowed the Pennant Committee to determine the impact on our season and provides the committee with weekly updates to ensure that Pennant can be run safely.

The past week has seen an increase in active cases and people in isolation across an increased number of clubs and unfortunately, 2 sides forfeiting due to unavailable players. From the data received it appears that transmission of covid may be occurring through club to club contact during bowls.

You will probably all agree that we have all become a little blasé and slackened off on following the rules designed to protect ourselves and others.

If we are to get through our Pennant season we must all ensure we follow the rules as follows:

  • Do not enter clubs with a sniffle or feeling unwell
  • QR code on entering clubs
  • Do not shake hands when greeting/congratulating one another
  • Wear masks when indoors – unless seated drinking or eating
  • Regularly sanitise inside clubs using a sanitising spray (Glen 20 hospital grade or similar)
  • Sanitise or wash our hands on entering our clubs
  • Sanitise our hands prior to entering our Greens and handling kitties and mats
  • Maintain social distancing (1.5m)
  • Wear masks when on buses travelling to other clubs. Consider travelling by car (3-4 possibly infected rather than a busload).
  • CLUBS – please ensure sanitiser is available at the ends of the Greens

 Lets see if we can reduce transmission by practicing good covid hygiene.